CMake Tutorial – Chapter 3: GUI Tool


Although when we looked at IDE projects generated by CMake we still used the
command line. You can also use the CMake GUI to generate and configure
projects. This can be convenient if you don’t like the command line, however
it can be even more useful than that.

CMake stores a lot of configuration settings in the project’s cache. This
cache can be viewed and edited using the CMake GUI. This can be quite useful
for seeing how a project is configured as the settings are presented in a
nice list. You can also change these values so you can set your build type
to “Release” to make a release build or you can add specific compiler flags.

First Fix a Warning

In chapter 2 when covering the Xcode generator I said that I’d fix the warning we saw
later. Well it looks like later has come. The first thing we need to do
is give the compiler some more flags so that we can reproduce the warning.


New or modified lines in bold.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)

project("To Do List")


    set(warnings "-Wall -Wextra -Werror")
    set(warnings "/W4 /WX /EHsc")
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS   "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} ${warnings}")
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${warnings}")


add_test(toDoTest toDo)
While everything in CMake looks like a function call control flow is
available. Its if syntax is rather strange so be sure to keep
documentation handy. The arguments passed
to else() and endif() are ignored, but they can
be useful for documentation purposes.
These variables identify the type of compiler being used. Here we are
using it to be able to pass different flags to different compilers as
needed. Since Clang accepts the same arguments as GCC I grouped them
together. A list of possible values is provided by the
documentation . Obviously my if statement is
not exhaustive as it only covers the 3 compilers I have readily available.
Set a variable with the given name to a particular value or list of
values. (Lists will be covered
set() documentation
These variables store the flags that will be passed to the compiler for
all build types. In this particular case we wanted to add some flags that
control warnings. (Build types will be covered later in this chapter.)
Note: This variable is a string containing all
of the flags separated by spaces; it is not a list.
In this case we are turning on most warnings and having the compiler treat
them as errors. (This is, in fact,
Microsoft’s suggestion for all new projects.)
Since we only want to add these
options we append them to the end of the existing flags string.
CMake does offer some string functions, but not for something as simple as
appending to an existing string.
A few notes about MSVC: The /EHsc flag enables complete C++
exception handling which is required by iostream.
(/EH documentation )
More importantly is that CMake will convert Unix-style flags to
Microsoft-style flags automatically for you. So we could have used
"-W4 -WX -EHsc" instead and it would have worked. This means
that any common flags do not need to be defined separately for MSVC. I
would, however, recommend always using Microsoft-style flags for MSVC
specific flags. Then not only is it obvious that they are MSVC flags, but
they are also easier to look up since you won’t have to remember to
translate them yourself.

Now if we build not only should we see more warnings and since they are
being treated as errors they should also prevent the build from
completing. Since warnings usually point to potential problems I always set
up my CMakeLists.txt to enable stricter warnings and treat them
as errors. Developing this way can be a bit annoying, but in the long run it
will lead to cleaner code and, in theory, fewer defects.

 > mkdir build
 > cd build
 > cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 4.1.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 4.1.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Volumes/Documents/Programming/C++/CMake Tutorial/flavors/mac/part3/build
 > make
Scanning dependencies of target toDo
[ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/toDo.dir/
/Volumes/Documents/Programming/C++/CMake Tutorial/flavors/mac/part3/ error: 
      unused parameter 'argc' [-Werror,-Wunused-parameter]
    int    argc,
/Volumes/Documents/Programming/C++/CMake Tutorial/flavors/mac/part3/ error: 
      unused parameter 'argv' [-Werror,-Wunused-parameter]
    char** argv
/Volumes/Documents/Programming/C++/CMake Tutorial/flavors/mac/part3/ error: 
      comparison of integers of different signs: 'const unsigned long' and
      'const int' [-Werror,-Wsign-compare]
    if (testValue != expectedValue)
        ~~~~~~~~~ ^  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/Volumes/Documents/Programming/C++/CMake Tutorial/flavors/mac/part3/ note: 
      in instantiation of function template specialization
      'equalityTest<unsigned long, int>' requested here
    result |= EXPECT_EQUAL(list.size(), 3);
/Volumes/Documents/Programming/C++/CMake Tutorial/flavors/mac/part3/ note: 
      expanded from macro 'EXPECT_EQUAL'
#define EXPECT_EQUAL(test, expect) equalityTest( test,  expect, \
3 errors generated.
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/toDo.dir/] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/toDo.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

This time CMake found Clang and with our new flags we have 3 errors.
(Rather nice errors, actually.) These errors are
actually simple to fix, so lets fix them before we move on.

New or modified lines in bold.
#include <iostream>
  using std::cerr;
  using std::cout;
  using std::endl;

#include "ToDo.h"

#define EXPECT_EQUAL(test, expect) equalityTest( test,  expect, \
                                                #test, #expect, \
                                                __FILE__, __LINE__)

template < typename T1, typename T2 >
int equalityTest(const T1    testValue,
                 const T2    expectedValue,
                 const char* testName,
                 const char* expectedName,
                 const char* fileName,
                 const int   lineNumber);

int main(
    int result = 0;

    ToDo list;

    list.addTask("write code");

    result |= EXPECT_EQUAL(list.size(),     size_t(3));
    result |= EXPECT_EQUAL(list.getTask(0), "write code");
    result |= EXPECT_EQUAL(list.getTask(1), "compile");
    result |= EXPECT_EQUAL(list.getTask(2), "test");

    if (result == 0)
        cout << "Test passed" << endl;

    return result;

template < typename T1, typename T2 >
int equalityTest(
    const T1    testValue,
    const T2    expectedValue,
    const char* testName,
    const char* expectedName,
    const char* fileName,
    const int   lineNumber
    if (testValue != expectedValue)
        cerr << fileName << ":" << lineNumber << ": "
             << "Expected " << testName << " "
             << "to equal " << expectedName << " (" << expectedValue << ") "
             << "but it was (" << testValue << ")" << endl;

        return 1;
        return 0;

[zip file] Source

They were rather simple errors to fix. The simplest solution to unused
function parameters is to delete their names leaving only the types, if it’s
temporary just comment them out. This documents both for other people and
the compiler that the parameters aren’t being used. The last error is caused
by literal numbers defaulting to being ints. If we construct
a size_t the problem is fixed.


Generating Our Project

The CMake GUI allows one to easily run CMake without having to use the
command line. It also makes it easier to set or change specific options,
which we will explore.

[blank CMake window]

The first two entries should be familiar, but more explicit than what we saw
earlier. To relate to the command line we were
using: cd <Where to build the binaries>;
cmake <Where is the source code>
. That
command line also configures and generates, which you would do using the
“Configure” and “Generate” buttons, of course. The bulk of the window is for
variables, which are only visible once you have configured.

It isn’t quite that simple, though. Once you pick your source and build
directories and then click “Configure” CMake will ask you about which
generator you want to use and more.

[generator window]

The displayed options are the typical ones used so far during this
tutorial. Generate Unix Makefiles and use the default native compilers. A
different generator can be chosen from the list rather than having to
carefully type it, which can be handy. The other options allow you to
specify which compiler to use, a topic that will be covered later. Clicking
“Finish” will then actually configure.

Note: This step can only be done the first time,
so if you want to use a different generator (or
you will have to start over with an empty build directory.

[CMake window after configuring]

Notice that the bottom section displays the same output
the cmake command displays when configuring. There are also now
some variables displayed in the central portion of the window. In this
example most are specific to Mac OS X. The variables’ values can easily be
changed by double clicking in the “Value” field and entering a new value.

This variable controls the type of build to be done. The possible
values are empty, Debug, Release,
RelWithDebInfo, and MinSizeRel. The values’
meanings are relatively obvious. Based upon the value of this variable
CMake will set the compiler flags appropriately. This is done by adding
the value of the
to CMAKE_<LANG>_FLAGS. By setting these
variables appropriately you can control the compiler flags for the various
types of builds.
Note: This variable is not available with all
generators. Some IDE generators create non-Makefile projects, e.g. Visual
Studio, in which case the build type is handled by the IDE itself.
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Documentation
CMake can create an install target which will be covered in a future
chapter. This prefix can be set to control where things are installed. It
is similar to the --prefix argument
for configure scripts.
However if you are curious:

Simply click “Configure” again as directed. Clicking “Generate” will then
generate our Makefile so we can build.

CMake Cache

If you check the “Advanced” box all cache variables will be listed.

[advanced variables]

CMake stores variables that need to be persistent in the cache. These
include things such as the path to your compiler and the flags for the
compiler. Naturally one should be careful when editing variables in the

You will notice that the compiler flags we added earlier do not appear in
the cache. While this might be a good idea as it forces those options to
always be used it really isn’t correct. We can tell set() to
put the variable in the cache, however it’s not that simple. Either the
cache will never be updated or our options will be appended every
time CMake configures.

The following should do the trick:


New or modified lines in bold.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)

project("To Do List")


    set(warnings "-Wall -Wextra -Werror")
    set(warnings "/W4 /WX /EHsc")
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${warnings}"
        CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE)
    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS   "${warnings}"
        CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE)


add_test(toDoTest toDo)

    "A flag showing that CMake has configured at least once.")

[zip file] Source

In CMake an undefined variable evaluates to false. Because of this we can
use CONFIGURED_ONCE as a flag to determine if CMake has
configured this project at least once.
Defined variables that are
empty or contain 0, N, NO,
or variable-NOTFOUND are also
considered false.
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS “${warnings}”
CACHE STRING “Flags used by the compiler during all build types.”
Initialize the value of CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS to be the desired
warning flags. The syntax for this form of the set command is
explained below. Two things to note:

  1. The docstring is exactly what CMake uses by default. When overriding
    built-in CMake variables be sure to use the same docstring as it does
    to avoid confusion.
  2. We need to force this value to be stored in the cache because the
    built-in variables are present in the cache even before the first time
    our project is configured. This is why we need the
    CONFIGURED_ONCE variable.
“A flag showing that CMake has configured at least once.”)
Set CONFIGURED_ONCE to true and store it in the cache since
by now configuration is complete. We don’t need to force this
as CONFIGURED_ONCE is not present in the cache.

A new form of the set command was used this time to store
variables in the CMake project’s cache. It is explained here and also in

value …
CACHE type docstring
This form of the set function allows you to store a variable
in CMake’s cache. The cache is both global and persistent. For both of
these reasons it can be quite useful and should be used carefully. The
other important thing about the cache is that users can, for the most
part, edit it.
The CACHE flag is a literal that tells CMake you want to
store this variable in the cache.

The type of value being stored in the cache. Possible values:

A path to a file. In the CMake GUI a file chooser dialog may
be used.
A path to a directory. In the CMake GUI a directory chooser
dialog may be used.
An arbitrary string.
A boolean on/off value. In the CMake GUI a checkbox will be
A value of any type with no GUI entry. This is useful for
persistent, global variables.
A string that describes the purpose of the variable. If only specific
values are allowed list them here as the user will see this string in
the CMake GUI as a tool tip.
Force this entry to be set in the cache. Normally if a variable
already exists in the cache future attempts to set it will be ignored
unless FORCE is the last argument. Please note that
setting a variable in the cache is dependent on the variable already
being in the cache not on its emptiness. Because of this and the fact
that many of the CMake variables exist in the cache before
your CMakeLists.txt is processed you need to test for the
first configuration as done above.

CMake Curses Interface

Introducing ccmake

CMake also includes a command line curses-based
interface, ccmake. It provides equivalent functionality to that
of the GUI. Most installations include this tool, although not
all. The ccmake tool can be used both to create a CMake build
or edit the cache of one. To create a new build it is used very similarly
to cmake:

ccmake path-to-source

Naturally editing a build’s cache is quite similar:

ccmake path-to-existing-build

For the most part this tool is very much like the GUI except, of course, its
interactions are all keyboard based. It can be useful if you often connect
to your build machine via an ssh session or you don’t want the dependency of
Qt, which the GUI requires.

[ccmake curses interface]

The main difference between this tool and the GUI is that it won’t walk you
through setting up a build, you have to provide paths on the command
line. Besides that its features are mostly the same. Of course, instead of
clicking the “Configure” and “Generate” buttons you would use
the c and g keys.

Useful Makefile Targets

There are two built-in make targets that CMake provides that are useful for
managing the cache. These are especially useful if you work from the command
line a lot.

make rebuild_cache
This target re-runs CMake for your build having the same effect
as cmake ., this can be handy, though, if you have multiple
versions of CMake installed or don’t have cmake in your path
as this target knows the path to the cmake that was
originally used to generate the build.
make edit_cache
Very similar to the above target except this one runs the
appropriate ccmake, or cmake-gui
if ccmake isn’t installed. The reasons for this being useful
are the same, too.

Most of the time these targets aren’t used, but as they can be handy it’s
good to know about them.

There is one last Makefile target that is useful, especially on larger
projects: make help. This prints a list of targets provided by
the Makefile. This can be convenient if you only want to build specific
targets but aren’t sure how they were named.

Revision History

Version Date Comment
1 2013-03-28 Original version.
2 2013-04-14 Updated MSVC compiler flags and added note about automatic flag-style conversion.
3 2013-07-14 Added line numbers and indication of changes to code sample. Added a link to the section on lists.

11 thoughts on “CMake Tutorial – Chapter 3: GUI Tool

  1. Sorry for my bad English.
    Can you explain more about “CMake Cache” section, I don’t really understand:
    – Why “the compiler flags we added earlier do not appear in the cache” ?
    – We tell CMake add them to the cache what for ?

    • The CMake cache does two things:
      1. It stores some variables persistently between individual runs of CMake.
      2. You can edit most variables in the cache using the CMake GUI or the curses interface ccmake.
      In many ways 2 is the most important. Using the GUI one can explore what parameters are available for the build, this can make certain options “discoverable”. For example you can use the GUI to change the build type (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) even if you don’t remember the exact name of the option or the available values since a list of variables in the cache is displayed and its help string lists the valid values. The one I find most useful is being able to quickly change the compiler flags, this is especially helpful if ever you need to write a preprocessor macro. If using Clang or GCC you can easily add, and later remove, the -save-temps flag using the CMake GUI.
      The storage of variables provided by the cache is useful for a variety of things. As mentioned above persisting the chosen build type and compiler flags. Also things that are expensive to calculate can be saved so that they don’t have to be calculated every time CMake is run. This last part is very useful when using the find_package command.
      To, finally, answer your questions:
      – When we used set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${warnings}") we didn’t specify that the new value for the variable CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS should be stored in the cache so the cache was not updated. Based on the way storing variables in the cache works I would guess that CMake only intends for the cache to be set programmatically the firs time it is run and then only updated by the user after that. I am assuming this because you have to use the FORCE option to modify a variable that is already in the cache.
      – Updating the compiler flags in the cache is done for two reasons. First this way you can easily see what the compiler flags are by looking at the cache rather than by inspecting the actual compile command (although doing so is not a bad idea). The second is that it allows you to edit the flags using the CMake GUI. If we had not updated the cache we would be simply adding the flags on every time CMake is run and the only way you could remove one of those flags would be by editing the CMakeLists.txt file. As to which way is better probably depends upon the situation.

  2. Dear John,
    Seems to me that some of the pictures are no longer valid. Could you kindly check them? Thanks!
    For example:

    For the most part this tool is very much like the GUI except, of course, its interactions are all keyboard based. It can be useful if you often connect to your build machine via an ssh session or you don’t want the dependency of Qt, which the GUI requires.
    [ccmake curses interface]
    The main difference between this tool and the GUI is that it won’t walk you through setting up a build, you have to provide paths on the command line. Besides that its features are mostly the same. Of course, instead of clicking the “Configure” and “Generate” buttons you would use the c and g keys

  3. // Comment: This tutorial is now my favorite site for learning CMake – thanks!
    I’m not sure if it was your intent, but you get different final values for CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS when you compare the CMakeLists.txt at the top of this page and the one at the bottom.
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS “${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${warnings}”)
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS “${warnings}”
    In the 1st case you are appending your compile flags, but in the 2nd case you are overwriting anything that was there before with your new flags.

    • The main diffference between the two is that the second time the value for CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS is set in the cache the first time the build is configured. Subsequent configure steps for that build leave the value alone. So the flags are initialized as desired and then using cmake-gui or ccmake to adjust the flags. Now that I think about it perhaps the two should be the same so you could augment the flags the first time configuring a build.

  4. Does it go against CMake’s philosophy to have compiler flags set in the CMakeLists.txt file? I’ve seen arguments that those should exist in a separate toolchain file (e.g. VS2015Toolchain.cmake).

    • That is an excellent question. This is an example of something that I’m not sure what the CMake philosophy is. In some ways the compiler flags are project specific yet they are also compiler specific. Perhaps the answer is that it depends on the flags and the project. One program I’ve worked on has a separate CMake file that has all the compiler flags and definitions in it which appends the projects chosen flags (which are for GCC, Clang, and Visual Studio) to CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS every time CMake runs. In that situation we, the developers, have decided which flags should be used and force them while allowing individual developers to add more beforehand if desired.
      As I don’t know of any common CMake philosophy I would say that it depends on the philosophy of the project and the importance and type of compiler flag. (I’m not sure this answer is of any help…)

  5. i just want to know when i press “configure” with some options enabled manually, how i can see the full command line used by cmake-gui for generate configuration ?

    • I wonder why I’ve never asked this question myself. As it turns out there’s a good answer to your question. At least in the most recent version of cmake-gui you can get close. If you choose the “Tools” > “Show My Changes” menu item. It will show the command line options for the variables you defined. It won’t include the generator you chose, but that’s probably less important.

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