CMake Tutorial – Chapter 5: Functionally Improved Testing


Last time we added a nice unit test and then set up CMake to build it, of
course, and add it to the list of tests that CTest will run. This is great,
now we can run cmake then use make and make
to test our project. Now it’s time to build on our success
because we certainly aren’t done yet.

The main problem we need to tackle is that there are currently 3 steps to
creating a test program:

  1. add the executable target
  2. link the executable against the “gmock_main” library
  3. add the test to CTest’s list of tests

That’s 3 steps too many. If you are thinking that 3 steps aren’t too many
remember that any project of a useful size will have a rather large number
of unit tests, each of which will require these same 3 steps – that’s
a lot of repetition. As programmers we should not repeat ourselves, and we
shouldn’t slack off just because we are merely
setting up our build system. What we want is the ability to add a new test
in a single step. Writing the test is hard enough, building and running it
should be easy.

Lucky for us CMake offers the ability to write functions. So we will start
by writing a function that combines these 3 steps so that only one step will
be needed. Once we have the function we will improve it further taking
advantage of the fact that we will only have to write said improvements

A Simple Function

We have 3 simple steps to encapsulate in a function, that should be simple,


New or modified lines in bold.
set(GMOCK_DIR "../../../../../gmock/gmock-1.6.0"
    CACHE PATH "The path to the GoogleMock test framework.")

    # force this option to ON so that Google Test will use /MD instead of /MT
    # /MD is now the default for Visual Studio, so it should be our default, too
           "Use shared (DLL) run-time lib even when Google Test is built as static lib."
elseif (APPLE)
add_subdirectory(${GMOCK_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gmock)

include_directories(SYSTEM ${GMOCK_DIR}/gtest/include

# add_gmock_test(<target> <sources>...)
#  Adds a Google Mock based test executable, <target>, built from <sources> and
#  adds the test so that CTest will run it. Both the executable and the test
#  will be named <target>.
function(add_gmock_test target)
    add_executable(${target} ${ARGN})
    target_link_libraries(${target} gmock_main)

    add_test(${target} ${target})

target_link_libraries(ToDoTest toDoCore)

[zip file] Source

I like to put comments before my functions that show how they should be
called and explain what they do.
function(add_gmock_test target)
Start the definition of the function add_gmock_test with one
required parameter target.
Inside the function its first argument is available as the variable
target and the rest of the arguments are available in a list
stored in the variable ARGN. CMake will allow you to pass
more arguments to a function than the number of parameters it defined. It
is up to the writer of the function to handle all of them, validate them
and produce an error if they aren’t correct, or merely ignore them. In
this case we are just passing them all on to the command
Also available is the variable ARGC which holds the count of
all arguments passed to the function, both ones matching parameters and
any extras. Additionally each argument can be accessed via the variables
ARGVN. As if that weren’t enough
ways to access function arguments all arguments are also available as a
list stored in the variable ARGV. This affords a lot of
flexibility but can make argument validation and handling difficult.
function() documentation
Ends the definition of a function. As I’ve said before CMake’s syntax is a
bit strange. You can pass the name of the function as an argument to this
command, but it is not required. If you do it should match otherwise CMake
will print a warning when configuring. I think it’s easier to read if no
arguments are passed to endfunction() and functions shouldn’t
be long enough that a reminder of what function is being ended is needed.
endfunction() documentation
Now we use the function we just wrote to add our Google Mock based
test. With the function written it is now much simpler as we don’t need to
write out the three separate commands every time.
target_link_libraries(ToDoTest toDoCore)
We still have to link our test with the “toDoCore” library. Since this is
specific to this test and not all tests it wouldn’t make sense to include
this in our function.

Commands and Functions and Macros! Oh my!

So far we have seen several CMake commands and now even written a function!
You may wonder what the difference is between a command and a
function. Simply put commands are built into CMake and functions are written
using CMake’s language. While some commands behave quite similarly to
functions, e.g. add_executable, some others behave in ways that
cannot be mimicked using functions or macros, e.g. if() and

Macros, on the other hand, are similar to functions in that they are written
the same and offer all of the same ways for accessing arguments. However,
macros don’t have their own scope and rather than dereferencing arguments
when run arguments are replaced instead. The first difference is what makes
macros both useful and dangerous, the second is more subtle and can make
working with lists difficult. (Yes, I know. I haven’t
talked about lists yet.)

You can’t add commands, but you can create functions and macros. As a rule
of thumb do not use a macro unless absolutely necessary, then you will avoid
many problems.


Scope is interesting in CMake and can occasionally be confusing. There’s
local scope, directory scope, global scope, and cache scope. As with most
languages things are inherited from enclosing scopes. For example if you
were to set someVariable to “some value” and then call
someFunction() inside the function dereferencing
someVariable would yield “some value”.

Local Scope

This refers to the most narrow scope at a given location. So the current
function or directory if not inside a function. Note that conditionals,
loops, and macros do not create a new scope, which is important to remember.
When you set a variable this is the scope that is affected.

Parent Scope

The scope enclosing the current local scope. For example the scope that
called the current function or the directory that executed the most recent
add_subdirectory() command. This is important because the
set() command can be used to set variables in the parent
scope. In fact this is the only way to return values from a function.


set() documentation

Directory Scope

This is the scope of the current directory being processed by CMake which is
used by directory properties and macros. The confusing thing is that some
commands affect directory properties, such as
add_definitions() and
remove_definitions(). Many of these properties affect the targets created within this directory
scope but only take effect when generating. So if you create a target and
then use the add_definitions() command those definitions will
apply to the target created previously. It is less confusing if things that
affect directory scope are done before creating any targets in that
directory. Also do not mix setting directory properties and creating targets
inside a function, either use separate functions or set the corresponding
target property.

Global Scope

As expected anything defined with global scope is accessible from within any
local scope. Targets, functions, and global properties all have global
scope. For this reason all targets must have unique names.
(Strictly speaking this
isn’t true, however not all generators can handle multiple targets with the same
name. For maximum compatibility it is best to ensure all targets have unique
Functions, on the other hand, can be redefined at will, but
that is generally not a good idea.

Cache Scope

This is similar to global scope, however only variables can be stored in the
cache. In addition the cache persists between CMake configure runs. As we
have already seen some cached variables can also be edited using the CMake GUI or the
ccmake tool.

Let’s Include Some Organization

There’s two issues with what we have now. First we’ve combined settings and
functions for unit testing as well as an actual target. Second burying the
inclusion of Google Mock this deep in our project makes it difficult to use
a relative path. If you were to set the path to Google Mock on the command
line using cmake -DGMOCK_DIR=somePath
you would expect the path to be relative to the top project directory rather
than two directories deeper. We can fix both of these problems at the same

We will refactor the code related to Google Mock into a separate file. Which
will resolve problem one. Then we will include our new file from the top
CMakeLists.txt file, which will address problem two. The
question is where to put this new file and what to call it? In CMake files
like these are called modules. Cmake comes with many which are stored in a
directory called “Modules”. Many software projects, on the other hand, store
CMake related code in a directory called “cmake”, a logical name, sometimes
this is done out of necessity (e.g. if using
. I think we shall put the file in
cmake/Modules. As for the name since we consistently used
gmock or GMOCK let’s go with


set(GMOCK_DIR "../../../gmock/gmock-1.6.0"
    CACHE PATH "The path to the GoogleMock test framework.")

    # force this option to ON so that Google Test will use /MD instead of /MT
    # /MD is now the default for Visual Studio, so it should be our default, too
           "Use shared (DLL) run-time lib even when Google Test is built as static lib."
elseif (APPLE)
add_subdirectory(${GMOCK_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gmock)

include_directories(SYSTEM ${GMOCK_DIR}/gtest/include

# add_gmock_test(<target> <sources>...)
#  Adds a Google Mock based test executable, <target>, built from <sources> and
#  adds the test so that CTest will run it. Both the executable and the test
#  will be named <target>.
function(add_gmock_test target)
    add_executable(${target} ${ARGN})
    target_link_libraries(${target} gmock_main)

    add_test(${target} ${target})


If you look closely the only change to this code you’ll notice is that the
default value for GMOCK_DIR has two fewer parent directories in
it. It is now relative to the top of our project as one would expect.


New or modified lines in bold.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8 FATAL_ERROR)

project("To Do List")



    set(warnings "-Wall -Wextra -Werror")
    set(warnings "/W4 /WX /EHsc")
    set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${warnings}"
        CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE)
    set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS   "${warnings}"
        CACHE STRING "Flags used by the compiler during all build types." FORCE)



target_link_libraries(toDo toDoCore)

    "A flag showing that CMake has configured at least once.")
Lists, finally! Okay not quite yet. Here we append the “Modules” directory
we created to CMake’s module path. This is the path CMake searches when
you include a module.
We set the include path because, in the future, we might want to include
modules from other CMakeLists.txt in other directories. This
allows us to include them without having to specify the full path every
This includes the new module we created. When used this way CMake searches
the module path for the file gmock.cmake and when it finds
the file it is included. These includes are much like those done by the C
preprocessor. The code in the included file executes in the same scope as
the file that included it.
Appends the elements to the list stored in the variable named
list. That’s correct, you pass in the
name of the list to be updated, you do not dereference it.
list() documentation
When including modules CMake searches for the requested module in the
paths in this list. If this list is exhausted then CMake will look in the
directory containing the default modules that come with CMake. Because
these paths need to work anywhere in the build tree they must be absolute
paths. Since this is a list the list() command should be used
to manipulate it.
CMAKE_MODULE_PATH documentation
include(module | file)
Include the module or file in the current file being processed. If a
module name is provided CMake will search for the
file module.cmake and included it if
found. Alternatively if a file name is provided
CMake will include that file directly; no module path searching is
required. If the file cannot be included either because it doesn’t exist
or wasn’t found CMake will issue a warning, but will continue processing.
include() documentation


target_link_libraries(ToDoTest toDoCore)

This file has gone on a serious diet. After moving all general code for unit
testing with Google Mock into gmock.cmake this file became
quite simple.

[zip file] Source


At long last! You’ve been teased by lists for 2 chapters now, and most of
this one too. It is high time we discussed lists.

CMake has two data structures built in: strings and lists. Well, strictly
speaking that isn’t completely true; lists are semicolon delimited
strings. So an empty string is also an empty list and a regular string is a
list with only one item. The simplest way to make a list is
set(myList a b c) which is exactly the same as
set(myList a;b;c). However set(myList "a;b;c")
creates a list with just one item. If a string begins with "
it is treated as a string literal and any spaces or quotes remain a part of
that string rather than causing it to be split into several list items.

Lists are important to understand not just because they are useful but also
because all arguments to commands, functions, and macros are processed as a
list. So just as set(myList a b c) is the same as
set(myList a;b;c) so too is
set(myList;a;b;c). When CMake processes the call to the
set() command it collects all of the arguments into a single
list. This list (ARGV) is the
separated into the first argument, the variable name
(myList), and the rest of the
items, the values (a;b;c). This can
cause trouble if you pass a quoted string containing semicolons to a
function that then passes it to another function without quoting it as your
string will become a list.

While you can create list with set(myList a b c) I’d strongly
recommend using list(APPEND myList a b c). Using the
list() command shows that you are using the variable
myList as a list. Naturally the list() command
allows you to do other things with lists.

list() documentation

Auto Play

Well really automatic test running. So far in my experience it takes
significantly less time to run unit tests than it does to build them. For
this reason I think it is beneficial to run your unit tests every time they
are built. This also has the side effect of stopping your build if the unit
test fails.


New or modified lines in bold.
set(GMOCK_DIR "../../../gmock/gmock-1.6.0"
    CACHE PATH "The path to the GoogleMock test framework.")

    # force this option to ON so that Google Test will use /MD instead of /MT
    # /MD is now the default for Visual Studio, so it should be our default, too
           "Use shared (DLL) run-time lib even when Google Test is built as static lib."
elseif (APPLE)
add_subdirectory(${GMOCK_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gmock)

include_directories(SYSTEM ${GMOCK_DIR}/gtest/include

# add_gmock_test(<target> <sources>...)
#  Adds a Google Mock based test executable, <target>, built from <sources> and
#  adds the test so that CTest will run it. Both the executable and the test
#  will be named <target>.
function(add_gmock_test target)
    add_executable(${target} ${ARGN})
    target_link_libraries(${target} gmock_main)

    add_test(${target} ${target})

    add_custom_command(TARGET ${target}
                       COMMAND ${target}
                       COMMENT "Running ${target}" VERBATIM)

[zip file] Source

add_custom_command(TARGET ${target}
                   COMMAND ./${target}
                   COMMENT "Running ${target}" VERBATIM)
We use the add_custom_command() command to run each test
after each time it is built. Here we simply run the test and if it fails
the build will stop. However if you were to build again immediately the
failed test would not be run again and the build will
continue. Fixing that will be left for later.
add_custom_command(TARGET target
                   PRE_BUILD | PRE_LINK | POST_BUILD
                   COMMAND command arguments…
                   COMMAND command2 arguments…
                   WORKING_DIRECTORY directory
                   COMMENT comment VERBATIM)
The name of the target to which we are adding the custom command.
When to run the custom command. PRE_BUILD will run the
command before any of the target’s other
dependencies. PRE_LINK runs the command after all other
dependencies. Lastly POST_BUILD runs the command after
the target has been built.
Note: the PRE_BUILD option only works with Visual
Studio 7 or newer. For all other generators it is treated as
PRE_LINK instead.
COMMAND command arguments…
The command to run and any arguments to be passed to it. If
command specifies an executable target,
i.e. one created with the add_executable() command, the
location of the actual built executable will replace the name;
additionally a target level dependency will be added so that the
executable target will be built before this custom command is run.
Note: target level dependencies merely control the order in
which targets are build. If a target level dependency is rebuilt this
command will not be re-run.
Any number of commands can be listed using this syntax and they will
all be run in order each time.
Specify the working directory from which the listed commands will be
COMMENT comment
Provide a comment that will be displayed before the listed commands
are run.
This argument tells CMake to ensure that the commands and their
arguments are escaped appropriately for whichever build tool is being
used. If this argument is omitted the behavior is platform and tool
specific. Therefore it is strongly recommended that you
always provide the VERBATIM argument.
add_custom_command() documentation

Now it’s time to see our hard work in action.

 > mkdir build
 > cd build
 > cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 4.2.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 4.2.0
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/local/bin/python (found version "2.7.3")
-- Looking for include file pthread.h
-- Looking for include file pthread.h - found
-- Looking for pthread_create
-- Looking for pthread_create - found
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /Documents/Programming/CMake/CMake Tutorial/flavors/part5_step3/build
 > make
Scanning dependencies of target toDoCore
[ 14%] Building CXX object ToDoCore/CMakeFiles/toDoCore.dir/
Linking CXX static library libtoDoCore.a
[ 14%] Built target toDoCore
Scanning dependencies of target toDo
[ 28%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/toDo.dir/
Linking CXX executable toDo
[ 28%] Built target toDo
Scanning dependencies of target gtest
[ 42%] Building CXX object gmock/gtest/CMakeFiles/gtest.dir/src/
Linking CXX static library libgtest.a
[ 42%] Built target gtest
Scanning dependencies of target gmock
[ 57%] Building CXX object gmock/CMakeFiles/gmock.dir/src/
Linking CXX static library libgmock.a
[ 57%] Built target gmock
Scanning dependencies of target gmock_main
[ 71%] Building CXX object gmock/CMakeFiles/gmock_main.dir/src/
Linking CXX static library libgmock_main.a
[ 71%] Built target gmock_main
Scanning dependencies of target gtest_main
[ 85%] Building CXX object gmock/gtest/CMakeFiles/gtest_main.dir/src/
Linking CXX static library libgtest_main.a
[ 85%] Built target gtest_main
Scanning dependencies of target ToDoTest
[100%] Building CXX object ToDoCore/unit_test/CMakeFiles/ToDoTest.dir/
Linking CXX executable ToDoTest
Running ToDoTest
Running main() from
[==========] Running 4 tests from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 4 tests from ToDoTest
[ RUN      ] ToDoTest.constructor_createsEmptyList
[       OK ] ToDoTest.constructor_createsEmptyList (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ToDoTest.addTask_threeTimes_sizeIsThree
[       OK ] ToDoTest.addTask_threeTimes_sizeIsThree (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ToDoTest.getTask_withOneTask_returnsCorrectString
[       OK ] ToDoTest.getTask_withOneTask_returnsCorrectString (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] ToDoTest.getTask_withThreeTasts_returnsCorrectStringForEachIndex
[       OK ] ToDoTest.getTask_withThreeTasts_returnsCorrectStringForEachIndex (0 ms)
[----------] 4 tests from ToDoTest (0 ms total)
[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 4 tests from 1 test case ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 4 tests.
[100%] Built target ToDoTest

It still works, just it’s more automatic now.

Revision History

Version Date Comment
1 2013-07-14 Original version.
2 2014-10-01 Added the work around for a problem with Google Test and newer versions of Mac OS X introduced in Chapter 4

17 thoughts on “CMake Tutorial – Chapter 5: Functionally Improved Testing

  1. Thanks a lot. This is 100% the best cmake tutorial ever. I’m hoping for more in the future, this was really helpful.

  2. Undoubtedly this is the best tutorial on the net to start on CMake. I wish every search engines bring it as the first search result. Thanks for spending your valuable skill to teach others like me in the easy way.

  3. WoW! Really nice tutorial. I’m working with AIX and apart from small little tweaks it works great and gives the whole idea behind CMake. Really great job. I’m waiting for parts 6 to ∞ already.

    • My experiences were similar to Sam’s. Initially, I had problems getting thru the tutorial. But, John Lamp’s tutorial filled in enough blanks missing from for me to then go back to’s tutorial and proceed much easier. This is actually my first experience with unit testing and it has quickly convinced me I should use CTest and/or Google Test from now on with all my C++ projects. Also, while neither nor John Lamp cover Qt Creator as a CMake GUI, I was able to figure out how to use it with Lamp’s examples easily enough. That said, I always test CMake projects with both Qt Creator and ccmake because builds with one do not always run the same as builds with the other, primarily because of tools used in Qt Creator’s kit which may or may not be the same as tools you use from a bash shell or with MSVC’s Developer Command Line tools. Finally, I avoid using KDevelop and cmake-gui on my platform because cygwin/X GUIs introduce an additional layer of stuff that might go wrong.

  4. I am trying to follow along on a windows machine not using cygwin and so I am using the “Visual Studio 12 2013” generator in CMake. I keep getting this error:
    CMake Error at cmake/Modules/gmock.cmake:13 (add_subdirectory):
    add_subdirectory given source “../../../gmock-1.7.0” which is not an
    existing directory.
    Call Stack (most recent call first):
    CMakeLists.txt:9 (include)
    But it is! My gmock folder is on the desktop, so this should work. I go up 2 levels to get to the root of my project then up one more to the desktop. No clue whats going on but this section is the most important to me as I am trying to learn about testing.

    • I fixed this by putting a full and absolute path rather than the ../ method. You can see how this would be problematic though. I am not sure why it generated just fine with a full C:/ path vs the ../

      • Sorry, disregard my question. I was not understanding how cmake was looking for these files, the ../ must be relative to the file in which you call the module, not the module itself.

  5. This is a great tutorial! Thanks.
    One observation that I noted though is that if a test fails, you see the failure, but the tests won’t run again on the next build. Do you know of a clean way to fix that?
    Thanks again!

    • I’m afraid that I have not figured that one out yet. The test running step happens after linking as part of the linking step. So unless the build tool thinks the test needs to be linked the test won’t be run again. So, interestingly, some IDEs exhibit the behavior you asked for, at the expense of debugging. Some IDEs will not start an executable if the build fails, so if the test fails it won’t let you debug it. The simplest solution for make would be to delete the test if it fails, that will force it to be linked again the next time you run make, but again debugging isn’t possible because the test won’t exist. So the trick would be to force the build to always fail when a test fails, but not prevent debugging.

  6. Great tutorial, I wish I found them when I was starting with CMake.
    Only one comment to this particular page: running tests during build is not the best idea when cross-compiling. I would suggest to do that conditionallly depending on CMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING variable.

    • An excellent point! Obviously if I’m cross compiling I cannot run the tests when compiling. Now that you mention it I think I’ve even done that before.

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